Tag Archives: autism mom

A New Place To Sleep

I hear a sound through the darkness. It is quiet at first, then the noise gets a bit louder. I lie still as a rock, not wanting to give away my awake status to the occupant sharing my slumber zone.
If I just stay still and pretend I am in some sort of deep sleep – the game of patience, the game of who breaks first.

I am strong, I will not break.

The murmurs continue, and get loader, turning into a situation which confirms a wide awake occupant next door.
“Where’s Mummy gone?” come the shouts. A learnt phrase that is muttered in any event of stress.

I am beaten.

The request has come for me, and no matter what I say, my husband will use this request to his advantage. “He called for you” he would say, and when you have prayed for years for any ounce of communication, things like a shout for his mum cannot be ignored,

I literally roll out of bed, my pyjama bottoms having crept up to my knees during my previous hours of sleep, and my vest top is in some sort of disarray.

I ignore my appearance. It is 3am, so my fashion sense has no entry into review, as I walk sleep drunk into the room next door.

I look down at my little blonde boy in his bed. He looks up at me, love in his eyes for the person he has wanted.

I look back at him.

I have two choices, firstly to crawl in beside him, in the lower bunk and take my role in the mutual war to claim some bed space. I might get a few hours of sleep, and I am assured that Rhys will get some too. But the bunk is low, and I have been the co-sleeper in this bed for too many nights, I want to try something new. A deviation from the norm!

I want to try a suggestion that my other two kids request on a nightly basis, to which I give into every now and again. It is something that Rhys has done about twice in his life. Something bizarre to him, because bedtime and sleep is done in his bed. Because that is how it is done.

But I am tired. My bed is big and warm. An investment in a super king which was done for these reasons.

So I test the water. I make the suggestion. I hope for a change to the norm.

“Rhys, come sleep in Mummy and Daddy’s bed?” I ask reluctantly.

I suddenly stand in shock and take a breath. Rhys crawls from his bed, and takes my hand. Teddy’s arm held tightly, determined to join Rhys in his new bedtime adventure.

We walk the long ten steps to my bed, each step I hope that this is going to be the solution, but knowing changes to routine can be catastrophic. We walk onward in the dark, my hope to keep the sleepiness at bay.

As we reach my side of the bed, I lift Rhys into his newly found bedtime space for the night. I then climb beside him, and crawl under the covers, Closing my eyes, I hold my breath in the hope Rhys will settle and sleep.

As I lie in silence, a small arm suddenly wraps itself around my body, and all is calm.

A moment so small, but so big for us. My little boy wanting to climb into our bed, and being able to find it so comforting that he goes back to sleep straight away. Not movement or squabble.

It’s the little things that keep us going. The little middle-of-the-night cuddles. The little changes in routine which happen without planning or even knowing.

This kid is doing things his way, even at 3am in the morning!

Change Your Question!

Three years ago there was one question I asked every person I met, every professional and every support group. It is a question I now get asked all the time, and a question which I see asked on support groups every week.

That question is “When did your child start to talk?”

The answers are always varied. You get the one word responses detailing the age of people’s children, and then you get more specifics, like “My son could only say one word a year ago, and now he doesn’t stop” or “My daughter just started talking in sentences” or “I’m still waiting, my son is nine next week”.

Human nature means we look for the answer we want to hear. If your child is four, you will be drawn to the response from the kind lady with blonde hair who has written “My son said his first word at four and a half”

You will breathe a sigh of relief and believe that your child will be the same, and in six months time your child will say their first word too. I mean why wouldn’t they, the kind lady on Facebook wrote that her child did? Why would yours be any different?

But your child is different. They move at their own pace and have their own strengths and challenges.

So after waiting six months, and your child has still not said their first word, you will find yourself back on that support group or Google, looking for the next response, possibly coming across a response from dark haired Dan whose son went from non-verbal to talking in sentences at five years old. You relax once again and assume your child will be the same.

You need to stop asking the question “When did your child start talking?” because you are asking a question which has no relevance to your child. You are comparing your child’s circumstances to someone else’s child, one you have never met and know nothing about.

I know what it is like. I have been there. I asked the same question. I wanted my son to start talking, because in my head, that would make everything OK. If he talked, everything would be solved!

It’s not that easy. But there are ways to make it manageable. And that starts by asking the right questions!

Change your perspective and change the question.

Ask, “How did you get your child to communicate?”

Communication is so much wider than verbal speech. A child may be able to talk, but has not yet developed the perceptive language to associate words with real word objects. Similarly a child may not be able to speak verbally, but they are able to understand language and communicate with a device, pictures or sign language.

If your child drags you by the hand to the fridge and points to an apple, they are telling you they are hungry and want a snack. They can do that without saying a word.

The moment my son signed the word “more” to me with Makaton while blowing bubbles, we were communicating even before verbal language was possible.

I cried buckets over the worry about my son’s speech. I asked everyone the question “When did your child start to talk?” But trust me on this, none of the answers to that question were any help to us, they just upset me more. They set up expectations that were never met.

Forget about getting your child to talk, and focus on getting them to communicate. Ask the question “How did you get your child to communicate?” The answers you get to that question will allow you to implement changes, improve engagement, and move towards having a conversation with your child.

The answers to that question will give you strategies and tools to help you increase engagement with your child, help you ask what your child what they want and need, and also let them tell you how they are feeling or what they are thinking.

All before they even say a word.

Speech is the last bit of communication in the process. Forget about getting your child to talk, and focus on communication. This switch in mindset will move your child through the steps to communication and finally speech. And if they don’t reach speech, you will have a selection of different ways to communicate.

Because at the end of the day, we all want to just have a conversation with our child. But that communication is not always verbal.


Click here to read how I got my son to communicate.

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Erase the Word!

I remember sitting on a hard chair, going through the motions, listening to the analysis of my son – the reports and information which had been collated on him.

We spoke about his delayed speech, his lack of interaction and his low levels of engagement. It was hard dissecting every level of my child. Documenting where he was behind. Discussing where he was not meeting the grade defined by the milestones of the standard parenting guidance.

Then the diagnosis came.

Autism Spectrum Disorder!

“So is he high or low functioning?” I asked. Wanting to know where he fell on this so called “spectrum” I had heard so often mentioned.

I wanted the paediatrician to stand up and draw a line on the whiteboard behind her and show me where my son fitted on this high-low continuum that everyone talked about. I then wanted her to point me to the books and guidance of how to approach it. I wanted the toolkit.

The toolkit however never came, and over months and years I had to gather it together myself. This was psychology, it was not math. It was not black and white. It was not a clear definition, just a recognition that my son had social and communication challenges. I had to work it out myself and through trial and error, find what worked in our situation.

I had to work it out because people are unique!

Every one of us is different. There is not one solution or magic handout that meets every set of circumstances.

To every person I met after that, I found myself saying “Rhys has been diagnosed with autism” but then I would promptly add “but he is high functioning!”

It was a statement (although not realising it at the time ) I was saying to make myself feel better. But it was also a sense of denial, where I was trying to ignore my son’s unique characteristics and didn’t want to accept the full membership into “Club Autism”

But in that one statement, I was separating autism from society and confirming that it was something that we had just scratched the surface of and didn’t want the membership into!

But even worse, it was a slap in the face for those who had greater challenges than us – or did they? I hadn’t paused to consider others and the extreme variances across the spectrum, or that some of my own son’s characteristics would be far more challenging than others.

So I stopped.

I started to learn more about autism, and that it was OK. It was new and I had a lot to understand, a lot to digest. But more importantly, I removed the words ‘High Functioning’ from my vocabulary.

My son is autistic. He has challenges in areas of speech, communication and perceptive language, but he has strengths in maths, a photographic memory, cuteness and laughter.

So from that point forward whenever someone asked me where my son was on the scale of autism, my response was that he was autistic. Nothing else. No high. No low.

It sounded strange, I was suddenly not justifying where he sat amongst the other autistics. But when I paused to think about it, I asked myself, “When was the last time I was asked where I fitted on the Neurotypical scale?” When in general conversation had I been asked how good or challenged I was against my peers?

If I had to answer and say “I struggle with faces and names” people don’t nod and tilt their head to the side, and give me a sad caring face with a reply of “Oh I am so sorry!”

Of course they don’t! So why should we treat our children that way?

We are all unique with our own strengths and challenges. So let’s remove “High Functioning” from our vocabulary and just see each other for who we are.

My son is autistic, and we are learning what works as we get through each day. Just like every other parent. Just like every other child.

Let’s stop pigeon holing each other.

Let’s remove High Functioning from our vocabulary and just be unique.

Let’s just be ourselves.


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A Tribe Worth Belonging


That’s I how I felt!

It was the feeling of being left behind. The feeling of everyone else being part of a crowd that I did not belong to and could not belong to. We didn’t have the criteria to go along with the crowd. The crowd whose children were running around together, being surprised by new adventures, making their first friendships, talking and conversing with each other in a natural untaught way.

There are so many feelings that overwhelm you when you realise your child is not “the same” as everyone else’s. There are feelings of fear, the unknown, anxiety, hope, upset, stress, and sadness. But the feeling that trumped it all for me, in the beginning, was loneliness.

My group of friends who continue to be everything to me, handed me words of reassurance, “Everything is going to be ok” and “I am here for you” and “He will catch up”. These were the phrases they recited, in the way that every friend would do. My friends have continued to be there for me. They have celebrated our achievements, and they have been a shoulder to cry on when I have had no where to go. But they were also as knowledgeable in autism as I was at the time, when I was beyond clueless.

My friends went on outings together and sat on the side catching up with a cuppa and cheeky piece of cake. Their children ran around within their line of sight. They were probably having the normal parental stresses you would expect, like checking where their child was at all times, and concerns if they fell or lost their friends. But they looked relaxed and enjoying the world they lived in and the progression their child made, in how it was expected to be made.

I often sent excuses to these catch-ups. It was easier than trying to explain that Rhys wouldn’t enter the location they had planned. Or try and describe the meltdown he had experienced the week before, at the entrance, not even managing to get into the foyer. The failure I felt inside not knowing why or how to solve an issue I did not know existed. The embarrassment from people staring at me and me not knowing what to do to rectify the situation, with my main focus being on getting the hell out of there.

In the occasions that I could get Rhys into different establishments, I was not the parent sitting on the side sipping a cup of tea and talking about the latest gossip. I was in constant sight of Rhys. I would panic about him physically pushing a younger child, not because he was violent, but because that was how he communicated – physically. I would be trying to apologise to a parent who was appalled about how Rhys had approached their child, explaining something I actually had know knowledge or experience about. I was too vulnerable to stand up and explain, finding myself apologising and edging away, because I was broken and unsupported in the mist that surrounded me.

At this time Rhys did not have a diagnosis. Autism was a word I had heard but knew just that, the word. I knew none of its context.

I was alone in a world of confusion, and could not even start to imagine how it felt for Rhys.

My friend’s children continued on the recognised path of development, and we moved in parallel, at snails pace. We were extremely behind and didn’t have the stepping stones they had to progress. We just drowned in a world we did not understand or know how to navigate through. I didn’t know where to look for help or information and support.

I stayed behind closed doors for a long time. Battling through the process with paediatricians, speech therapists, psychologists, occupational therapists and ENT surgeons. Just to name a few.

I was alone. This was a norm I had never heard about, with everyone else leading ‘normal’ lives, with the remaining being part of a secret autism society I could not get the membership card to.

It was when I went on the early bird course lead by the National Autistic Society that I started to connect with other parents, just like me. They were just normal families with the same struggles as us and roamed the same places we did (there was no secret group who were hidden away – they were among us). I had found people who I could talk to. People who understood the complexities of autism – from a parent’s perspective. We laughed about things that I would never share with my ‘non-autism’ friends, because they just wouldn’t get it.

I call them my Tribe. A group who are there to support, fight and laugh together over things that other ‘normal’ families do, but also the other things that only we understand and get.

In the UK, 1 in 100 people are on the autism spectrum, and there are many more that are undiagnosed. If you include families in these figures, you are looking at 2,8 million people in the UK with a first hand experience.

You are not alone if you or your child is autistic. Walk down the street and you are guaranteed to pass at least one autistic person. Search famous people and there are amazing individuals who are have changed or who are changing this world in way a no Neurotypical person can.

You will already know someone with a link to autism. I know this because every person I have spoken to about my son has either confirmed that one of their family members are autistic or a close friend or colleague.

Autism is everywhere, and the feeling of loneliness I felt, was short lived. As soon as I lifted my head up and spoke about it, a whole new world opened up for me, and in turn allowed me to enter into Rhys’ world and help him and broaden it into mine.

We need to raise the awareness of Autism. We are not alone in this. We are part of this and part of a world that needs a range of different minds to move forward. Different doesn’t mean unable, different means flexibility, perspective and progression in different ways. Ways that can achieve amazing things.


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Spinning to Success!

At Rhys’ three year developmental check, the health visitor sat with an assortment of toys and papers in front of her.
“Rhys, can you stack the blocks?” she asked, placing three inch square blocks in front of him.

Rhys paid no attention to the lady and casually placed one block on top of the next with no effort. He managed eight blocks all sporadically aligned but perfectly balanced.

I didn’t gasp in amazement or shine with pride at his efforts. Rhys built block towers all day long. He hadn’t followed an instruction, he had just seen blocks in front of him, and done instinctively what he knew and loved.

He failed every other test that day. He failed because every test required Rhys to follow an instruction. A bundle of words that were just noise to Rhys from a strange object that sat in our living room.

From that day on, he failed every “test” because of the communication and engagement element that is vital to prove Rhys could do something. It was the foundation to everything in order to move forward.

I had a little boy who could not talk, but even more relevant was that he couldn’t understand or process language. A simple request to a three or even four year old of “pass me that toy” while gesturing to it with pointing, made no sense to Rhys. The physical action of identifying an object coupled with words, was foreign to him and just a jumble up of sounds and hand movements.

My strategy was to get him to understand a handful of words and associated actions. Things we could build on, and add to engagement opportunities.

I would place an object in his hand and say “Take to Daddy”, initially taking him by the hand and getting him to deliver the object. Through repetition, these physical prompts associated with words, started to form connections in his mind that made sense. He began to follow the commands without fail.

Things were slow, but we kept on powering through.

As I sat on the floor this evening reading to Rhys’ older brother, Rhys sat playing with a Lego helicopter. He spun the propellers around, enjoying the motion. However Lego is only a pile of blocks at the end of the day, and a vigorous spin will always end in a disastrous way.

“Mummy, help Rhys” he asked, holding the propeller out to me. The decapitated helicopter lay on its side about a meter away from me on the carpet.

“Rhys, get helicopter” I said, pointing to the red lego toy.
“Mummy help” responded Rhys, touching the propeller in my hand, reconfirming his request.
I tried again but with a different word. “Rhys, helicopter here” once again pointing to it.
“Mummy help, broken” Rhys replied, getting slightly frustrated.
I gave it one last try, ” Rhys, pass helicopter”

Something triggered in his mind and in the split second that he looked at me, I knew something was about to happen. To my amazement, he followed my finger and reached for the helicopter, bringing it to my open hand.

Something turned in my tummy in excitement. I placed the propeller on top of the red roof, gave it a test spin and held it out for Rhys. Of all the action words I used, none were part of Rhys’ mental dictionary, until I used the word “pass”. The word “pass” was what made a difference today. The word “pass” is going to open up so many more opportunities going forward.

I held out the helicopter to Rhys, but before I removed my grasp I asked, “What do you say?”
“Thank you” he replied.

I smiled and eased my hand from the toy.

Things will happen when you least expect them, and often it is just slight changes like a different word or action, that result in amazing things.

I was so proud of Rhys tonight, as I watched him return to spinning the toy. I was proud at how far he has come and the development barriers we both break down together.


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