Tag Archives: autism awareness

We Don’t Eat Out – Our Review of the Red Lion llandyfaelog

We don’t eat out!

But you were recommended to us, by our holiday host, as serving the best Sunday lunch around. So I guess we had to take the risk!

And you didn’t disappoint, with my son being in agreement, when he was served four sausages on a plate. No veg, no chips, no bread or butter!

Just four sausages which were consumed as he wandered around your pub. Sitting at one empty table and then locating to another. It was exactly what we had asked for. You met our requirement with no question, just a smile and as many sausages that he wanted.

I loved your barman’s smile as my son removed a bar mat from the counter. It’s coarse texture providing the perfect sensory input for his little fingers. The non verbal gesture told me you had no issue with the rearrangement of your bar accessories. You just smiled at his calmness and acceptance in your environment.

You made no comment about my boy’s constant movement around the bar area, you were happy that he was happy and comfortable, and it didn’t need words to show your acceptance, by happily letting him sneak behind the bar. There were no comments of “No kids behind here” or the face of dissatisfaction, as I have seen in other venues, you just smiled and joked about him helping out, offering him a job as long as he could manage to pour a good pint!

I am not sure he passed that interview requirement šŸ™‚

You let me eat my Sunday dinner at the outside table, the table in the corner, at the bar from a tall bar stool, and then watched it as I had to dash after my boy before he disappeared up the stairs. My food was always waiting where I had left it, never cleared away or questioned as to its constant transportation around your restaurant.

My son was happy, he had his connection to Netflix, from your free WiFi (code displayed so I didn’t even have to ask!). This was the ultimate settler for him, the ability for him to shut out the new smells, sounds and sights while his body regulated and then allowed him to ditch the phone and investigate the new feels and places.

You didn’t even blink an eyelid at our uniqueness as a family, maybe it is because you get more trouble from the bloke down the road after a couple of Stella’s, but I didn’t know that. We did however not start any pub brawls, so I guess we made a reasonably good impression?

We don’t eat out as a family. We don’t because every trip out is a gamble. It is a risk because of how society sees my son. Of how triggers, which are a result of societies ways, can so easily result in meltdown.

Thank you for being a place of acceptance.

Oh and thanks for the larger than normal glass of wine… I think you realised I needed it.

Thanks for the hospitality Red Lion, Llandyfaelog . We will pop in again if we pass

Autism Futures Are Just a Bounce Away

The group of kids were older. I estimated around fifteen or sixteen years of age. There were about ten to fifteen of them, all with one goal in mind and the determination that no one would stop them.

The tall one shouted, he was loud and vocal, but I didn’t turn my head, I continued to watch.

The wall was in front of them, about eight foot high, leading to a platform where you got a full aerial view of the park. The ultimate superior position a group of teenagers would want to claim as their victory.

I watched.

The trampoline was at the bottom of the wall – a purposely positioned stunt for jumpers who had the skill.

“Lift on three” the boy shouted, and they crouched down and let a girl use their thighs as steps while being lifted to the eight foot height. As she claimed her position on the elevated level, the cheers erupted before the next person took their position.

The teamwork was structured and executed with precision. Each person lifted or bounced up to the platform.

As I became engrossed in the scene I forgot about my son for a second, and only realised when he came into view. He had started to jump on the trampoline alongside the group. Jumping in a position of risk that someone being hoisted upwards may fall or harm him.

I rushed forward quickly, but was too late. One of the boys had walked forward and taken his hand. He used no words, but led him off the trampoline to the one adjacent, smiled and went back to his group.

I nodded and thanked him, but I got no response.

It took ten minutes for everyone to reach the platform. A cheer at every successful teammate making the ascent. The smiles were infectious, and I felt the pride in their hearts, and clapped in celebration with the crowd.

We were at the trampoline inclusivity session. Most of this group of teenagers had additional needs. They were children who had been labelled as having social challenges. Communication difficulties. Problem children.

But I saw none of that.

I saw a group of young adults who were kind, caring, social, fun and most importantly teammates. Not one of the group had been singled out or excluded. Their aim had been to get every one onto that platform, and they had succeeded.

I watch this group of kids every week. Sometimes they play tag. Sometimes they climb. Sometimes they jump. But I also notice that they are always looking over their shoulder to check they have never left anyone behind.

Because they are a team.

Today Rhys was jumping with two other children from his class. Not one word was being spoken. They just jumped happily alongside. Their challenges ten years behind the group I had been watching.

I hope one day they will be helping each other up onto that platform. I hope their future is as exciting as what I have just watched. Because they are already smashing down barriers which have been putting before them. They are changing the world in their own special way.

Who knows what will happen in time!

Autism Life: A different kind of Hard

To the parent complaining about the variety of choice in school meals. I have no comment. I am just relieved that my son is eating, even if his meals each day are identical to the day before!

To the mum who is worried about the loss of a school cardigan, and circulating WhatsApp messages for everyone to check their children’s bags. I’m sorry I never replied, cardigans don’t feature on my list of priorities, because just getting my son to wear clothes, is my main objective. No school wants a naked attendee!

To the teacher who questions why I forgot my daughter’s reading book, the book which should be returned on a Thursday to allow a 48 hour quarantine. I’m sorry, but I was writing an annual review submission, for my son, my seven year old whom I would love to hear read, but has not met that milestone, yet!

To the father who posted a video of his one year old son, and the word “daddy” being spoken so clearly and confidently. I’m sorry I didn’t comment, but the pain in my gut was so strong, because I never had that moment. And when I did, I was too scared to post it on social media, because my son was five years of age!

To the crowds of parents who meet up after school or on weekends, and drink coffee while their children run off and play. I’m sorry I am unable to join you or sit and relax with a mug of my own. I need to watch my son constantly. He may decide he is finished and walk away, because that’s the way his mind works.

To the grandparent who rolled her eyes while I sat on the supermarket floor, the one who tutted and said the word “discipline” under her breath. Iā€™m sorry but I have no words to respond, because my attention is always on my son and how I can help him. But I would like to sit her down and educate her, and highlight her ignorance.

To the other parents like me who raise their glasses to achievements that are so small to others but so huge to us, I’m sorry we don’t shout louder, I’m sorry we don’t celebrate bigger. I’m sorry we let those others get to us.

I will cook pizza for every dinner. I will loose every cardigan. I will forget every reading book. I will work for hours on my son’s speech. I will sit on any cold floor to provide support.

Because every time I prioritise my son over the mundane, we see achievements. We see milestones gained. We see accomplishments.

We have bigger things to fry on this side of the fence. Come over this side anytime to see how we do things.

Because our hard is harder than any lost cardigan!

Autism Annual Reviews: It’s a Joint Approach

It is tough having your own development and progress analysed and dissected.

It is a hell of a lot harder when it is about your child.

I have been to many annual development reviews for my son. Some I walked into happy and confident, but left in tears, with a sick feeling in my gut and emotions that took months to heal from.

However, the last few years I have left feeling empowered and motivated to strive forwards to new targets and goals.

Annual reviews, for special needs children, vary extremely and unfortunately it is down to the people who support your child, their ability to communicate, support and collaborate together towards a common goal.

For Rhys we are always honest. We sit down as parents before every review and we discuss the truth – nothing sugar coated or missed, everything factual. We discuss what we want Rhys to work on, where we are not seeing progress and where we need help as parents.

Then we send the black and white text to the school, our submission for review.

Reviews are tough, they highlight the struggles, they are the formal way of showing how far your child is behind their peers. But they also shine a light on the achievements and goals they have met over the year, and whatever we need to do to get more of those moments, is what we strive for.

Every review we focus on Rhys and what he needs, or how we can work with the school to smash new targets.

We are lucky.

We have a great school setting and support for him, where school and home can blend into one. Where his teachers know all about his family and out of school activities, and we can work with the school to jointly focus on the same elements.

But it has not always been that way. I have left previous reviews and meetings feeling the need to throw up in the playschool gutter like a cheap drunk who can’t handle their emotional booze!

It took time and setbacks to find the right setting for Rhys. The support we get now was not handed to us on plate, it was fought for and as a result of set backs and tough emotions, we found our way.

The annual review is there for parents, teachers and professionals to ensure the best for their child and their needs. If your child is not central to those discussions or you as the parent are not getting what you feel is in the best interests of your child, you are part of that review and have a equal say in changing that.

Make sure you fight for your child. Prepare yourself for the review. Focus on your child’s needs and how you can all work together to achieve it.

Autism: The Childcare Struggle

There were two points I made to the BBC while I sat behind the camera in my dinning room, as my son ran back and forth, avoiding a collision with the Golden Retriever!

Read the BBC article here.

The first point was obvious, the need for more funding, to ensure childcare provision for our children.

But the second was just as vital.

It was to provide existing childcare the support and education needed around special needs care.

My points were all in support of a cross-party Senedd committee report which said that 38% of councils did not have enough childcare for disabled children anywhere in their area.

I have received funding in the past to put Rhys in wraparound care or holiday clubs, but it has not worked. Not because the money wasn’t available, I was lucky and fought and got a nice sum to pay a wage for the entire summer. But the educated staff, the structure, the knowledge and experience wasn’t there.

We don’t need separate childcare facilities. We need to build on the facilities we have got. We have to adapt the way current childcare is run and make it available for all abilities.

For that we need the funding, but most importantly our childcare needs the support and education to know how they can help.