Tag Archives: autism strategies

Autism Choices. The Way to Communication.


At the age of two, we had our first speech and language appointment. It was pretty noneventful, but the speech therapist did give us one piece of homework to take away and implement. It was something we would use for many years and still use today. It was to encourage engagement, the first step to communication.

At the time Rhys would take us by the hand to the item he wanted. It was his ultimate way of communicating his needs. This would be the fridge for an apple, the kitchen cupboard for a rice cake, or the telly for his show. Most things were within his reach, so he would often just help himself, gaining his independence just like others his age.

But he didn’t talk. Not a sound. Not a mama or dada, or grunt or squeak. His arm-guiding method met his needs, with no requirement in his world to do anything else. The choices were going to change that, and we set about implementing them straight away.

The instructions were to put everything Rhys asked for, or currently obtained himself, out of his reach. So we moved the crackers, rice cakes and breadsticks into a top cupboard. The apples and oranges were already in the fridge fruit drawer and safely out of his grasp. We became a house with everything in the wrong place. Like when you go to your granny’s and while making a cup of tea, you struggle to find the cake knife, and eventually find it in the top cupboard wedged between the tub of flour and a hairdryer. We were now an old lady’s house with rice cakes alongside the plates and bowls, and raisons amongst the teacups.

We always had this instinctive sense of what Rhys wanted. There was only a handful of food items he ate and other activities were limited. This change was to get interaction between us and Rhys, and encourage him to ask for what he wanted rather than taking us to it.

As soon as we had rearranged the kitchen, we put the strategy into action. After being dragged to the fridge, I bent down to his eye level, fully aware of his non-verbal request for an apple. “Rhys, apple or orange” I said, gesturing each choice with each empty hand. He stood staring passed me towards the wall, no engagement, just the view in his mind that we were at the fridge, the location of his request.

I crouched there for ages that day, down at Rhys’ eye level, my calves burning, my determination strong. I was not waiting for him to perform a miracle, a verbal request for an apple, I was just waiting for a flicker of engagement. There was no magic formula, just time and hard work. It was hard that day, and every day after that. But it happened and was the start of a journey we had embarked on. That day I got a split second of eye contact, and that was all I needed to reward him with his request, an apple.

Over the years, I persevered. The response to choices increased from split seconds of eye flickers to second long moments of engagement, and slowly over time a sound was emitted that slowly formed the letter ‘a’ and later ‘apple’.

As soon as we got that first word we added more words to his request, prompting Rhys each time, and flooding him with praise as we handed over his requested item. Four years later, Rhys will now request with the words “I want orange please Mummy”, although prompting is often still required.

But life has a way of noticing when you have succeeded at a challenge, found a method that works. I walked into the kitchen, today to find my little boy now able to reach those high out of reach places from years ago. He independently opened the fridge, took out an orange, and turned to me with a smile on his face. His non-verbal communication clearly stating “I got it myself – screw you and your choices” šŸ™‚

But I know that cheeky gesture is a form of communication we never had before. He was proud to ‘help himself’, and we needed to reach this point sometime, the time where he is growing up and wanting to do things on his own.

Our little independant boy.


You can learn all about how to use choices from our strategies.

Autism Life: A different kind of Hard

To the parent complaining about the variety of choice in school meals. I have no comment. I am just relieved that my son is eating, even if his meals each day are identical to the day before!

To the mum who is worried about the loss of a school cardigan, and circulating WhatsApp messages for everyone to check their children’s bags. I’m sorry I never replied, cardigans don’t feature on my list of priorities, because just getting my son to wear clothes, is my main objective. No school wants a naked attendee!

To the teacher who questions why I forgot my daughter’s reading book, the book which should be returned on a Thursday to allow a 48 hour quarantine. I’m sorry, but I was writing an annual review submission, for my son, my seven year old whom I would love to hear read, but has not met that milestone, yet!

To the father who posted a video of his one year old son, and the word “daddy” being spoken so clearly and confidently. I’m sorry I didn’t comment, but the pain in my gut was so strong, because I never had that moment. And when I did, I was too scared to post it on social media, because my son was five years of age!

To the crowds of parents who meet up after school or on weekends, and drink coffee while their children run off and play. I’m sorry I am unable to join you or sit and relax with a mug of my own. I need to watch my son constantly. He may decide he is finished and walk away, because that’s the way his mind works.

To the grandparent who rolled her eyes while I sat on the supermarket floor, the one who tutted and said the word “discipline” under her breath. Iā€™m sorry but I have no words to respond, because my attention is always on my son and how I can help him. But I would like to sit her down and educate her, and highlight her ignorance.

To the other parents like me who raise their glasses to achievements that are so small to others but so huge to us, I’m sorry we don’t shout louder, I’m sorry we don’t celebrate bigger. I’m sorry we let those others get to us.

I will cook pizza for every dinner. I will loose every cardigan. I will forget every reading book. I will work for hours on my son’s speech. I will sit on any cold floor to provide support.

Because every time I prioritise my son over the mundane, we see achievements. We see milestones gained. We see accomplishments.

We have bigger things to fry on this side of the fence. Come over this side anytime to see how we do things.

Because our hard is harder than any lost cardigan!

Autism Annual Reviews: It’s a Joint Approach

It is tough having your own development and progress analysed and dissected.

It is a hell of a lot harder when it is about your child.

I have been to many annual development reviews for my son. Some I walked into happy and confident, but left in tears, with a sick feeling in my gut and emotions that took months to heal from.

However, the last few years I have left feeling empowered and motivated to strive forwards to new targets and goals.

Annual reviews, for special needs children, vary extremely and unfortunately it is down to the people who support your child, their ability to communicate, support and collaborate together towards a common goal.

For Rhys we are always honest. We sit down as parents before every review and we discuss the truth – nothing sugar coated or missed, everything factual. We discuss what we want Rhys to work on, where we are not seeing progress and where we need help as parents.

Then we send the black and white text to the school, our submission for review.

Reviews are tough, they highlight the struggles, they are the formal way of showing how far your child is behind their peers. But they also shine a light on the achievements and goals they have met over the year, and whatever we need to do to get more of those moments, is what we strive for.

Every review we focus on Rhys and what he needs, or how we can work with the school to smash new targets.

We are lucky.

We have a great school setting and support for him, where school and home can blend into one. Where his teachers know all about his family and out of school activities, and we can work with the school to jointly focus on the same elements.

But it has not always been that way. I have left previous reviews and meetings feeling the need to throw up in the playschool gutter like a cheap drunk who can’t handle their emotional booze!

It took time and setbacks to find the right setting for Rhys. The support we get now was not handed to us on plate, it was fought for and as a result of set backs and tough emotions, we found our way.

The annual review is there for parents, teachers and professionals to ensure the best for their child and their needs. If your child is not central to those discussions or you as the parent are not getting what you feel is in the best interests of your child, you are part of that review and have a equal say in changing that.

Make sure you fight for your child. Prepare yourself for the review. Focus on your child’s needs and how you can all work together to achieve it.

Autism Calendar: The Key to Daily Communication

Rhys didn’t want to go to school today.

He wanted to go swimming!

“No School!” he shouted, his words clear and audible as he desperately wanted to get his point across, “Swimming”, he added.

As we reached the bottom of the stairs, Rhys’ chanting of “No School!” continuing with every step, he approached the wall.

“School” he said, placing his finger on the chart.

“Yes Rhys, school. Then judo. Then swimming” I confirmed, touching each picture in turn, “Two sleeps”

It didn’t make him happier, but it made it clearer.

The calendar is a new addition to our home. It is a communication tool to help my son understand what is happening that day, and what is planned for the rest of the week.

Because Rhys actually likes school. He jumps in the taxi every morning and runs into the class each day. It is the understanding of what is happening that day that creates the anxiety. The fixation of an idea in his mind is what is hard to change it is what creates the tension.

This calendar is the key.

Well I sure hope it is!

The calendar we have used is available to purchase here.

To read more about the use of schedules you can read a step by step guide or explore further strategies across other pages on our site.

Getting your Child to Talk: 8 Alterative Autism Communication Strategies

So your child is not talking. They have missed saying their first word, the milestone of speech, or their ability to understand language. Your Google search will come up with many strategies and methods of encouraging engagement, prompting speech and communicating differently with your child, but there are many other ways you can communicate and engage, from using everyday items around your house to some of the latest technology.

There are strategies you will find and learn from speech therapists which are fantastic in developing communication skills, helping your child to understand everyday requests and helping them to tell you what they want.

I am a strong advocate of these methods. They are proven to work and I have seen the results with my own son. If you want more details you can read of these methods here, where I explain step by step in how to implement them and some real life examples.

But what I found when learning about communication and the tried and tested methods by professionals, is that you have the opportunity to adapt and tweet these methods to your environment. Additionally you can also introduce technological developments into the strategies as we move into a more digital age.

Times change. Our world evolves. Things modernise and although the fundamental strategies will always remain, we can adapt them, mold them and use them in different ways.

Six of these strategic adaptions are detailed below.


A lot of visual communication aids make use of universal symbols. But there is no rule that you have to use these. The objective is to communicate, and this can be easily done with taking photos of items you use most often or your child, for example doing activities or visiting places.

Photos are great, because with today’s technology we all have a camera in our back pockets with the ability to take the photos wherever we go.

When words are not an option for communication due to barriers to understanding and language processing, a photo tells a thousand words.


Leaflets are a great resource and worth collecting when you see them, or even when you are at a location to store for future.

It is dependent on the individual, but leaflets can consume a lot of space and aren’t freely available when you need them at that split second moment.

However they are a great communication options to add to the collection.


An adaption of the Social stories strategy, books are an amazing tool for communication. A lot of stories for children are based around a specific scenario, for example a trip to the dentist, or the supermarket, or when granny came to stay.

Whether the story is centered around our well known Peppa Pig family or a little girl’s first day a school, they all come with a message and a sequence of events.

If a new outing or visit is planned in for the future, reading a book about the experience is a great way to introduce familiarity about the event and a reference point to relate back to when the time arrives.

Even consider taking the book with you to refer back to, is always a good shout.


Our children love a bit of telly, and although we may think the majority is a load of codswallop and cringe as we hear the theme tune emanating through our television speakers for the hundredth time, there is some value in children’s television episodes.

Not all children’s cartoons follow the model but the majority do. They center around a story or theme and message that is being portrayed.

In a familiar fashion to books, episodes of a bunch of paw patrol pups rushing into the fire station or the poor kid from Fireman Sam getting into a pickle once again, we can use the stories to highlight a new event or activity we have planned.

On our last visit to the beach son, we acted out a Peppa Pig episode about Georges sandcastles, which encouraged engagement, imaginative play and family interaction.


There is nothing better than the video of an activity, attraction or location. If YouTube is not giving you the options you need, search videos by Google and watch a visit to the dentist or local attraction.

There is also nothing more powerful than your child watching themselves on video from a previous visit. Record outings and save them in easy-to-find folders on your phone or PC. Then the next time, instead of using words to communicate where you are planning to visit, you can communicate with the aid of a video illustrating your previous experience.


YouTube is an amazing catalogue of resources. Take your pick and you are guarenteed to find a video that will be of benefit to your situation.

A few years ago I was determined to introduce a balance bike to my son’s activities, with the hope that a zoom through the park would be on the cards.

I did everything to demonstrate the mechanism of the push vehicle only to be met with blank stares and a pair of painful quad muscles from attempting a ride on a bike too small for my physical build.

YouTube saved us when I found a video of a child pushing himself around a skate park on a balance bike.

It wasn’t a fancy video, just a ten minute clip of a child riding. But with the ability to repeat the clip, I played it on our television, over and over again, allowing my son to become familiar with the activity and gain knowledge of what the two wheeled piece of apparatus in the corner could be used for.

Familiarity of a new activity or experience is always best shown multiple times to gain awareness and comfort. The foundations of what is expected take away the fear when the real life item is presented.


Thank goodness for technology and the virtual power of the Internet.

Previously I would spend hours finding pictures of places and items, then printing and laminating them to allow a method of communication for my son. But there was a great tool that gave him the real life experience from the comfort of his home.

Webcams of beaches, local attractions and public venues are great to allow our children to see where you are going and what it actually looks like. The video gives added value compared to a flat two dimensional picture.

Use Google to search the location you plan to visit plus the word “webcam” to see if you can get a live image stream.

Virtual Reality

Often technology and fancy geeky gadgets can put those less techy folk off, but virtual reality is a great tool and with today’s advances it is easily available for anyone to try at a very low cost.

There are many apps that are VR enabled and allow a virtual experience of the outside world from the comfort of your own home.

However, as a communication mechanism, google maps are one of the best tools you can use to communicate where you are going and give a real life experience of the location without actually going there.

With the use of your smart phone, the only additional piece of kit you will need is a VR headset. If you are not sure this is something you want to venture into or just want to have a go without breaking the bank, the purchase of Google Cardboard will get you into the VR world for only a few pounds.

Google cardboard will give you an insight into the virtual world, but if you want to get a more durable headset, there are many on the market, but I would recommend Samsung gear as a good headset to provide you with all the functionality you would need.

For more information on the use of VR with Google click here.

If you are new to finding ways to communicate with your child who is not yet speaking, have a look at the different strategies here.

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