To My Beautiful Boy

Guest Post by Lauren Morfett

To my beautiful boy, 

I hope you realise as you grow up how special you are, to us and to everyone you meet. Know that your little footprints will make a massive impact on this world. Know that your smile adds colour into my grey days and that your laugh is my favourite sound in the whole wide world.

You make us so proud in everything you do, life can be really hard for you but you never give up and that amazes me. I love watching you as you go about your day, you see beauty in everything you touch, you take notice of the little things that I am often too busy too see most of the time. I love the way you watch the way the trees move in the wind with pure amazement on your face and the way you spin around really fast but never get dizzy. You remind me to just take a minute and stop what I am doing and just breathe in the fresh air and really look at the good in the world.

When you sing it makes my heart melt because your voice is something we waited so long to hear, it’s beautiful and I could listen to it all day.

These last four years you have come so far, you have learned so many new skills and you have opened up your world and allowed us be a part of it, we are so thankful of that. Always know you can do anything you want to, the sky is your limit, I have no doubt in my mind you will do great things. I hope you know that nothing you do will ever go unnoticed, we will always celebrate every single thing you do because you are an absolute star to us Isaac and don’t ever forget it.

You have been lucky enough to not have any understanding of the painful things that happen around us,  I am grateful for the innocence you will keep because of that. You have no concept of fear and whilst that can be scary to us it also means you will never be held back by it, fear won’t control you like it does so many others and that’s kind of amazing to think about.

Always know that being a little different does not mean you are less than anyone else, don’t let other people defy who you want to be. Autism is a big part of you but that doesn’t mean that is all you are, you are so much more than that, to us you are just Isaac, our perfect four year old little boy who loves the outside and who has known the alphabet since he was one years old.

The struggles you face can leave you feeling lost but know that mummy will always find you, no matter what, I will always be there to pick you up and bring you back home every single time. Know that on days like that mummy tries her best but sometimes that isn’t good enough, it just means tomorrow I will try even harder for you.

When you are sad it breaks my heart, when you cry because your emotions are bigger than you at the end of the night when your asleep I cry too, for the things as a mother I can’t make better for you, that kills me the most. Know that even if I can’t make it easier for you I will always hold you tight and stroke your hair like I always do until your beautiful smile returns to your perfect face.

Know that we will always be there fighting your corner, we will make sure you get the best of everything this world has to offer. We will be your voice when you need us to be, we will make sure we shout when you are not being heard. We will always fight for you to have the same opportunities as everyone else because you deserve that, it is your right.

We will always be thankful you chose us to be your family, you changed our lives in the best possible way. You gave us a purpose, I can’t remember what life was like before you, it’s like you have always been a part of us. I am so excited to see where you end up, never change baby, your absolutely perfect. I hope Know that we love you and your brother so much more than you will ever know ❤️
All my love foreverMummaX

Written by Lauren Morfett: Wife, blogger and Mummy to two little boys aged 4 and 11 months in the UK. Learning from my beautiful son Isaac every single day ❤️

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