“Rhys look” I say pulling one of the baskets forward.
All his number toys are in one place, where he can just help himself. The other baskets have been categorised into different groups of cars, puzzles, art supplies and movement toys.
Rhys places his hands into the basket, taking out his skittles. Placing them on the surface in front of him, he lines them up from one to ten in ascending order.
“Ten green bottles, hanging on the wall⦔ he starts to sing, knocking each skittle to the floor as it ‘falls off the wall’.
After Christmas every year, I always get a burst of motivation. As the new year creeps in, I reassess and look at what new goals can be set as targets and where improvements can be made to what we are doing already.
Sorry, I am one of those annoying people!
I got a book this year called The Organised Mum Method(TOMM). And before you ask, it was not from my husband as a hint of my disorganisation, but a gift to myself of how to improve on what I already do. The reviews were great and if there is anything I like better in a book, it is a plan and a step by step process to follow.

So far I have decluttered a quarter of the house, and over the next few days, the entire house will be complete. Everything will have its place, and there will be a lot of rubbish and charity shop drop offs, but come the first of January, I will have a clean slate to start the year with.

As Rhys finishes his song, he looks in the boxes once again and pulls out his number cards. His face is full of excitement, it is like his own little Christmas, where he finds the toys he loves, all in one place. He can now play with a variety of toys, including those that have been forgotten amongst an unorganised mess.
However I am confident that screams for number three or number seven will still happen. And every time he will either be sitting on it or it will be right next to him.
Thatβs just life.