
Below are the strategies I have tried and tested. Each strategy gives an overview, steps to implement, and how to adapt it going forward.

Ready Steady Go is the best place to start, especially if you are just trying to get that first flicker of eye contact, that you can build on over time. Read More

Choices: The simple method of providing your child choices to either encourage engagement or identify what they want. Read More

An object of reference is any object which is used systematically to represent an item, activity, place, or person. Read_More

First-Then is a strategy to communicate the transition from one activity to another, building up to a string of activities for communicating transition and or schedules. Read More

Backward Chaining is a strategy to help your child achieve a goal. By breaking the task down into small steps, you work backwards from the last step, until your child can carry out the full task independently. Read More

Countdowns can be incorporated with the Ready Steady Go technique, can be used for activities which are distressing like brushing teeth or washing hair. Read More

Schedules: Using pictures to communicate a sequence of events occurring during the day. Read More

A social story is a method of communication with the use of images to describe a given situation or concept. The message is communicated as a story. Read More

PECS: A method to allow communication with images to convey needs, feeling or comment on events. Read More